Wednesday, February 9, 2011


There is evidence that Earth has had 4 major destructive events in its history. Each one of these if happened today could wipe out the civilization we know . What if Civilizations have risen on earth way before the history we know? What if these civilizations created technology as advanced or more then our own?Would they try to save themselves if they new destruction was coming?There are story's of earths destruction. Atlantis for example disappeared under the sea. Do you think there technology could have saved some.lets say 200,000 years age during one of these upheavals the civilizations  on earth were advanced enough to save them self's, maybe  more then our own. They used there technology to build an ark “space ship” to get of the earth and away from the destruction. Everyone on earth would have to ride it out. Most would die but some would live. The world they knew before the destruction would be gone. The world they inherited would be primitive and harsh. Those who saved themselves by leaving earth would still posses the technology they had before and for those on earth living through the destruction it would not take long before those with the technology would be looked at as godlike. These advanced earthlings could help steer civilization on earth but still hiding the technology that make them superior and keeps control with them. I say that UFO do exist not from another planet but from right here. Still in control of earth.